Coaching Skills for Managers
A comprehensive coaching programme designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills and tools to coach your team to achieve the best results they can.
Take control of your professional future and position yourself as a trusted leader in your organisation by adding another string to your bow!
Acquiring coaching skills will empower you to ask the right questions, listen actively, solicit and explore options and help your team to set and achieve SMART goals and solve their own problems.
Managers and senior executives often find themselves too busy to take the time off work to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to become effective leaders. Unfortunately, this often results in off-the-job classroom training being condensed. Training either contains too much information for the manager to absorb in the time available, or vital material is omitted or skimmed over and lost.
People perform at their best when they understand the ‘Why’s’ of work. Coaching is the key to unlocking that door.
The Centre for Leadership & Coaching has developed a series of workshops blended with practical coaching.
Participants benefit in the following ways:
- Develop a mindset for appreciative inquiry, enabling the creation of awareness in others regarding potential courses of action and selfawareness.
- Understand the role of coaching in leading teams to manage performance and foster innovation.
- Acquire greater adaptability as an emotional intelligence competency, effectively using coaching to unleash potential in situations where
direct instructions may not suffice. - Proactively address conflicts at an earlier stage through a coaching approach and provide impartial, objective support to parties in conflict, aiding them in reaching positive solutions.
- Gain insight into yourself as an individual and as a coach.
- Enhance your personal leadership competency.
- Develop the ability to discern when coaching is appropriate and when it is not.
- Cultivate a deep understanding of the
connection between coaching skills and their role in driving performance. - Acquire key coaching skills and have the opportunity to practice them with support and feedback from professional manager coaches.

A service level agreement is entered into by the appointed coach/facilitator, the manager to be coached and the employer for an agreed period. A blended programme will be agreed, based on needs. During which time there will be access to:
- Workshops. These will consist of a series of structured workshops, in-person or online, to be arranged at suitable times;
- Training material. User-friendly reading material, formative assessments and self-assessments will be made available;
- Group discussions. To ensure understanding, group discussions on material covered will be arranged at suitable intervals;
- Coaching sessions. To further aid learning, access to at least two 1-hour individual or team coaching sessions per week;
- Workplace assignments. The manager will be required to undertake workplace assignments aimed at personal development, as well as bringing about positive changes in the workplace;
- Telephone support. Have access to a coach via phone for discussions about personal development
and work-related issues; - Template Access. Access to templates of policies, procedures and working documents, such as Development Plans, coaching contracts etc.
- Flexibility. Clients with prior coaching training can select their Intervention content.
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