In the minefield of leadership literature available today, this book provides clarity, adding fresh and unique insights to critical leadership skills. The author draws upon his own unique experience from an unforgiving environment, forged from his military and international corporate background.

This book is for you if you:
• Want to be an effective leader.
• Are willing to transform into the change you wish to see.
• Are committed to improving the lives of those you lead.
If this sounds like you and are willing to do what it takes, you are invited to take an inner journey of self-development. Self-reflection is critical for self-development. In the process this improves your personal and professional life, discovering practical tools to:
Increase mental resilience – These unpredictable times place more demands on people mentally, emotionally, spiritually and possibly even physically. This is the ‘new norm’ for which mental resilience is essential.
Build a sense of trust and safety – Unlike mainstream leadership literature which tends to focus mainly on the vision of the leader, this book also focuses on the leader’s ability to build trust and provide a sense of ‘safety’ by ‘holding the space’ in these times of VUCA.
Inspire Ownership – The Selfless Leader sees the Collective as fellow stakeholders. In times of crisis, ‘self-preservation’ becomes ‘collective preservation’, seeing the people as an extension of oneself. This enables a sense of Ownership for you to:
Own who you are. Own the mission. Own the result.
Local author promotes South African heritage with award-winning leadership book
In celebration of Heritage Month, author Claudio Chiste presents a groundbreaking leadership paradigm in his award-winning book, “Rise of the Warrior Leader.”
The Warrior Leader who inspired Ownership-driven Leadership
Chief Maqoma is regarded by historians as the most renowned Xhosa chief in South Africa’s 19th-century Frontier Wars, assuming almost a legendary status as the protagonist in three of these wars.
Indie Reader Author Claudio Chiste tells all about his book
This lively highly readable text is a stimulating contribution to skillful leadership and great guide for those either starting out on their role as leaders or those wanting to polish their skills.

Order your copy here
The Book Launch
“This book makes a welcome contribution to present understanding of the multifaceted subject of leadership. It draws upon existing literature, including works by Drucker, Keohane and Nye, and Hershey and Blanchard, for historical context and to underpin its theoretical discussion. In this regard the book has firm foundations: it references past and present theories of leadership, with the aim of contributing practical and up-to-date perspectives.
This book takes a fresh approach to the question of what makes for effective leadership; it challenges existing assumptions whilst at the same time building upon well-known models in the field. In this regard it is a useful, original, and insightful contribution to our understanding of the subject in all its forms.”
“It has been my privilege to have a journey with the author. My knowledge of Claudio, coupled with our friendship, has only enriched my life. As our relationship grew, he engaged with his background knowledge and further study into leadership. His conceptual understanding of leadership is not only contextually valid but also applicable within current reality. The gems he has excavated in his research lead to the establishing of conceptual models that have a great relevance to leadership as a discipline. The author has furthermore drawn on data that will give the content good applicability in the leadership context. The leadership content provided is not only relevant but also very timely in the context of the worldwide leadership challenge. While there is no ‘quick fix’ with regard to our leadership challenge, I do believe that his work will have a significant benefit in the process. Congratulations with your work!”
“In “The Rise of the Warrior Leader”, Claudio Chisté has carefully put together an understated masterpiece of a book. He has put together super-helpful and implementable leadership insights and practical tips for every level of leadership, drawing from ancient wisdom, and especially the wealth of African collective leadership encapsulated in Ubuntu. This power of collective intelligence runs through the book. Claudio has masterfully put together a masterpiece that needs to be required reading in every modern business school and every leadership programme. Every leader, and anyone aspiring to lead themselves, their team, or organization, needs to spend time engaging with the gifts that are packed into the pages of this piece of work. One of the best parts of this book is the currency of the message. This book captures the spirit of relevance and timeliness of modern leadership. Claudio’s messages in Warrior Leader do not age. Read it now and evolve.”
“Rise of the Warrior Leader is the first book to follow Chaka, the exemplary biographical work on King Shaka by Thomas Mofolo. The book Chaka endured 15 years of scrutiny, seeking to undermine African contribution, before it was finally published in 1925. Rise of the Warrior Leader chronicles the leadership qualities of Jongumsobomvu Maqoma in the face of racist accounts in colonial literature. With the addition of African leaders such as King Moshoeshoe and Rolihlahla Mandela, Claudio’s work is anti-racist in character and, therefore, a critical contribution to human thinking.”
“This lively highly readable text is a stimulating contribution to skilful leadership and great guide for those either starting out on their role as leaders or those wanting to polish their skills. Claudio offers a special contribution in his addressing the ‘both-and’ perspective of strength and compassion, required by emotionally intelligent leaders managing in turbulent times. The emphasis on the importance of strong positive values and self-reflective awareness is a consistent theme in his setting out of the ten dimensions of Steward-Warrior Leadership. A unique contribution is Claudio’s fascinating examples and stories of heroes and villains drawn from particularly South African history, illustrating the ‘both-and’ of exceptional relationally-intelligent leadership – courageous decision-making strength in crisis moments, and sociable engagement up and down the line in less stressful times. This is a timely contribution for coaches, students of coaching and leadership, as well as human resource practitioners and of course, every level of leader.”
“The Steward-Warrior Leadership model provides a fresh perspective on leadership. In recent times, we have seen a resurgence in awareness of Servant Leadership and VUCA. However, this new model brings an Ownership-driven approach with actionable principles which can be easily implemented. The model focuses on personal and organisational culture to bring about group cohesion and a focus on the team. This enables adaptation and implementation, in order to adapt and effect change in these times of chaos and complexity. These principles are applicable across multiple sectors, be it corporate, sports, government, politics, military and our day to day lives.”
“Attended the book launch authored by one of the best emerging leadership coach that South Africa has produced Claudio Chistè. If you would like introduced to the tool of Leadership/ business coaching then this book may just introduce you to the fascinating life of leadership and leadership coaching.”
“I really wish I could have heard about Warrior Leadership whilst I was still in the permanent force of the South African military, especially at our own National War College.”
“This book is thought-provoking and certainly a new and novel approach to the study of the art and science of leadership, building on some of the well-researched and classical works on this important subject. The concepts advanced could be of much value to anyone aspiring to assume a leadership role.”
“At last, a leadership model rooted in the principles and heritage of South Africa!”
Book Reviews
Book review by Dr Roger Prentis
The author has an interesting emphasis on bringing things together and learning from different leadership theories, rather than the common practice of creating silos (which may benefit the writer or “guru”, maybe more than the reader). Chisté talks about collaboration a lot and benefiting from the sum of the skills, abilities and knowledge available, whilst allowing the leader to “take control” at times when immediate decisions are required, particularly in times of threat.
The book uses a lot of examples from southern-African culture which is an interesting, educational and novel approach. It draws on the leadership of such people as Mandela (as a well-known example) and others who are less-known outside the local culture.
Chisté’s military background comes through quite strongly at times and it is contextualised into the general / business forum. The juxtaposition of this “Warrior Leadership” in times of crisis, radical change or challenge with “collaboration and servant / steward leadership” in times of business as usual is intriguing. The importance of trust (also a critical part of military life) and the interests of the “collective” (team as a whole) over the interests of the leader are stressed.
There is a pervasive focus on an ethical stance, selflessness, collaboration and building trust and rapport within the team. Bringing together a well-defined (and shared) vision, shared goals (aligned with the vision) and shared values help to establish a culture that both inspires people and drives organisational success.
“Regardless of the presence of strategies and processes, the organisational culture holds the power to empower or disempower … During difficult times, a robust culture unites individuals to confront challenges together.” The Steward Warrior leader encapsulates a wide variety of skills and traits, ranging from taking total control in times of trouble, to a hands-off approach allowing people and teams to grow and flourish in “normal times”. The Steward concept (taking care of people and the organisation) is an interesting extension of the Servant Leader.
Dr Roger Prentis
Special Advisor, House of Lords (England, UK)
Partner of consultancy, RDP International
Book review by Literary Titan
In an ever-evolving world, there’s a pressing need for individuals to adapt and evolve. Rise of the Warrior Leader dives deep into the intricacies of leadership within this modern backdrop. Author Claudio Chistè insightfully navigates through three predominant themes: the Age of Globalization, the Information Age, and the VUCA era (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous). The book delves into the escalating uncertainties, especially against economic, environmental, political, and pandemic backdrops. There’s a keen emphasis on the shifting role of leaders in our knowledge-driven economy and a compelling discourse on contemporary phenomena like the “cancel culture” on social media.
A compelling read for those with a penchant for leadership and modern world dynamics, Rise of the Warrior Leader provides a rich intellectual experience. Chistè presents a reader-friendly text. The incorporation of historical references amplifies the current context, while data-driven insights add credibility to the discourse. What stands out is the book’s interdisciplinary lens—tapping into history, economics, and technology, providing a comprehensive viewpoint of the challenges ushered in by the Information Age and global shifts. Furthermore, Chistè courageously examines topical issues like deep fakes, fake news, and the transformative role of technology, making the narrative both current and resonant.
Rich in analytical content, Rise of the Warrior Leader adheres to an objective, fact-centric tone, catering mainly to those intrigued by the nuances of contemporary leadership. It aspires to unravel the multifaceted challenges leaders confront in today’s fast-paced world, offering pragmatic insights on steering through these hurdles. Indeed, this is a discussion-worthy read, perfect for intellectual engagements and networking events.
Rise of the Warrior Leader explores a vast range of topics with depth and finesse. Thoroughly researched and brimming with invaluable insights, it addresses pivotal leadership transitions in today’s global scenario. Claudio Chistè’s creation stands as an enlightening resource for those keen on understanding leadership in the digital era. Engaging and illuminating, it’s a book that’s sure to spark enriching conversations.
Literary Titan
Source: https://literarytitan.com/?s=rise+of+the+warrior+leader
Book review by IndieReader
In his introduction to RISE OF THE WARRIOR LEADER, author Claudio Chistè quotes an article from “The Economist” that criticizes the current culture of leadership literature: “The sheer amount of guff written about leadership, management and careers is staggering. Publishers spew out new business titles, some good, most not […] It is hard for any would-be business guru to stand out in this ocean of effluent.” So how does Chistè address this pre-emptive strike, and what justifies the existence of yet another business how-to manual?
There are a few personal factors that set Chistè apart. He has done the hard miles in management and leadership expected from any business guru, but this has been across numerous industries. He has allied his varied CV with training as a certified Master NLP Practitioner and expanded his range as a TEDx global speaker. But it is perhaps his extensive experience as a Combat Officer in the South African Navy that is his unique selling point. The militaristic (pragmatic but occasionally combative) approach to leadership outlined here, which is clearly signposted by the book’s title, aims to cut through the verbiage of so many other similar books. Chistè proposes back-to-basics methods. As he writes, “it can be seen as humanity returning to our military origins and rediscovering ancient strategies from our hunter-gatherer ancestors.”
In order to build his theories, the author analyzes writings from the likes of Peter Drucker and Daniel Kahneman, as well as the perennial business book foundational text: Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” The depth of Chistè’s reading is admirable. In creating RISE OF THE WARRIOR LEADER, he has cast a wide net that seeks inspiration beyond the parameters of the usual sources for similar books. Perhaps the most innovative and informative of his source materials are those that touch specifically on his South African heritage. In investigating his theory of “servant and steward leadership,” there are fascinating diversions into the life of the Zulus, King Moshoeshoe, and King Shaka. Later an in-depth appreciation of the diplomacy and leadership qualities of Nelson Mandela, highlighting his skills in both hands-on and hands-off approaches, brings a fresh angle to the subject.
In common with the majority of business books, Chistè’s inspirations and ideas are almost entirely male dominated. Perhaps this is unavoidable, due to the historic and militaristic nature of his sources. As much as he should be commended for bringing a multi-cultural perspective to his theories, there still appears to be scope for a more gender-equalized philosophy of leadership. This is not to say that Chistè ignores the roles of the male and female in leadership completely: “Male energy, which is represented by the Warrior Leader, is often associated with traits such as assertiveness, directness and competitiveness, while female energy, represented by the Steward Leader, is associated with traits such as empathy, compassion and collaboration.” That said, there is very little in the text that examines how female leaders may have actually achieved practical real-world success. Nor is there any great investigation into the positives or negatives of culturally-assigned gender roles. It is well-designed, with numerous charts and graphs incorporated into the text, and the author often communicates complicated ideas well. Care is also taken to meticulously reference source material, a boon to those who will be inspired to delve deeper.
With its focus on South African leadership culture and a clarity of purpose, Claudio Chistè’s RISE OF THE WARRIOR LEADER offers enough new ideas to justify its place in the burgeoning business book sector.
Kent Lane for IndieReader
Source: https://indiereader.com/book_review/rise-of-the-warrior-leader/
Book review by Daily Dispatch
Book review by Keith Richardson
After reading Rise of the Warrior Leader, I am firmly under the impression that our current age is the most difficult era in world history in which to serve as a leader. Social media has pierced the vulnerable shield of leaders whereby anyone who can type with one finger is easily able to venture an opinion on a topic of which no experience or background knowledge is required. There is no necessity for a contributor to social media to provide evidence for an opinion, with no accountability required. It is challenging for our leaders and the unintended consequences are that fewer people are prepared to lift their heads above the parapet. Not only is this obvious in the workplace but is als0 particularly evident in volunteer organisations. This is the curse of our society today as the genuine leaders are reluctant to emerge and the vacuum is being filled with populist leaders spewing out inanities and tragically dividing our communities.
Claudio maintains that the situation all those years ago in caveman times revealed ‘raw leadership’. Closeted in a cave and confined to small areas meant that there were no secrets, with weaknesses soon exposed. People depended on their leaders for safety and security. Good leaders earned their caveman stripes the hard way, although I suspect that anyone writing anti-leader slogans on a cave wall soon had short thrift. In that era, trust and faith in their leaders was built up around the cave campfire but that would go on to change in the period between Cave and Facebook as leaders hid over the intervening centuries behind high walls, uniformed troops and inherited privilege. Traditionally, it was about Centralised Command and Control. But that was before the ready access to information – through platforms such as social media – changed the leadership landscape….
In spite of a myriad of leadership books over the years, the question of leadership has traditionally been addressed as a transactional process following a linear sequence – a series of steps which an organisation should take to ensure success. The problem over the years has been the growing realisation that successful organisations are in fact dynamic – unpredictable, continually evolving and changing.
Tackling the problem by rigidly following a linear sequence of action was never going to cut the mustard. This book shows us that the Warrior Leader understands this, with convincing data and examples of how leaders who apply transformation principles achieve a unique cultural DNA for their organisations. This enables the move through the transactional processes to that of transformation. Step by step, Claudio explains that only when everyone takes ownership of the process, based on their shared values, does the organisation stand a chance of being transformed. We in South Africa understand this only too well. We have wonderful laws, structures and systems but we have not undertaken the necessary transformation process to Steward Leadership which Claudio maintains, with well-reasoned arguments, is essential to transform our society. Constantly harkening back to the vision of the organisation with people encouraged to develop their personal potential, as well as developing others in the organisation, is now the way forward. While the role of the Leader continues the expectation of providing security, he has now moved on from providing security in the cave. The new barbs and arrows are those of social media and for that a new set of skills is required. For the future, it is psychological security which is paramount – security (and wellness) in the job and in career planning. The Leader has now become a Coach whose foremost task is to develop people in the organisation. Adapting the words of Rosalind Carter, the former US First Lady (wife of former US President, Jimmy Carter), we could say that:
“The leader takes people where they want to go.
The Steward-Warrior Leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to.”
This sounds just like the book all South African and World Leaders should be reading.
Keith Richardson
CEO of The Principals Academy Trust
Former Principal Wynberg Boys’ High & Springfield Convent
Book review by Dr Simon Norton
This book makes a welcome contribution to present understanding of the multifaceted subject of leadership. It draws upon existing literature, including works by Drucker, Keohane and Nye, and Hershey and Blanchard, for historical context and to underpin its theoretical discussion. In this regard the book has firm foundations: it references past and present theories of leadership, with the aim of contributing practical and up-to-date perspectives.
Existing theoretical frameworks including Contingency Theory, stewardship theory, and Servant Leadership are explained and critiqued in a fresh and well-paced style. There is extensive use of tables, graphs, and images resulting in a visually engaging book. Quotes and summaries of philosophies provided from diverse sources such as Jack Welch, Austrian-American management consultant Peter Drucker, and Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman, give discussion of issues and questions a practical, lively, and relevant edge.
The Author has contextualised several of the topics within a uniquely African framework, nimbly moving the discussion from historical roots to the present day. From the Zulu leadership concept of Isithunzi to consideration of the unique personal skills and inspirational qualities of Nelson Mandela. The discussion of the four factors of Transformational Leadership delves into relevant models, including those by Patterson and Winston. The dangers presented by leaders who exhibited several of the traits discussed, but utilised them for evil purposes, including Hitler and Idi Amin, are highlighted and then developed further in the Chapter titled, the Dark Side of Leadership.
This book takes a fresh approach to the question of what makes for effective leadership; it challenges existing assumptions whilst at the same time building upon well-known models in the field. In this regard it is a useful, original, and insightful contribution to our understanding of the subject in all its forms.
Dr Simon Norton
Senior Lecturer, Cardiff Business School
Cardiff University (Wales, UK)
Book review by The US Review of Books
At first glance, Warrior Leadership may appear to resemble the Great Man Theory, bearing a resemblance to the actions of a hero combatting villains. However, a contrasting quality of the Warrior Leader relates to a softer, emotional aspect.”
In this book, readers learn how to build effective trust and confidence with their peers in order to become a positive leader and steward to others. The leadership skills the book emphasizes are derived from the US Army Warrior Ethos. This ethos places special focus on placing one’s mission first, never accepting defeat, never quitting, and never leaving behind a fallen comrade. The book also examines how these principles are present worldwide in various militaries. The book constantly reiterates the importance of selflessness, courage, honor, and commitment as one strives to grow into a strong leader. The book also provides workplace examples that show how the skills discussed in the book can be effectively implemented in the real world. The book includes graphics and illustrations, which help guide readers through the leadership process.
This book is unique because it exemplifies not only how these practices function in the military but also in also their universal applicability across diverse disciplines. This is underpinned by an approach to leadership introduced as Ownership-driven Leadership, consisting of three components: Own who you are. Own the mission. Own the result. It features well-detailed discussions about the role of fear and how this inhibits one from reaching one’s full leadership potential. It then discusses the physiological effects of stress and how those inhibit leadership. It provides valuable tips for overcoming and managing stress so that one can be the best leader one can be. Additionally, the book includes actionable strategies about how to manage group compliance and how to communicate effectively. It then clearly provides the steps of effective communication with examples so that readers know how to successfully implement these skills into their interpersonal communications and management styles. For anyone working in management or pursuing a career in business administration, this book is a unique tool to add to their sources collection.
Nicole Yurcaba for The US Review of Books
Source: https://www.theusreview.com/reviews-1/Rise-of-the-Warrior-Leader-by-Claudio-Chiste.html
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